5 thoughts on “Chic.TV Episode About Sensepil With Dr. Tina Alster”

  1. would like to buy one; but like most people i know’ could not come up with that kind of money all at once. if you could mail out information on your product plus, easy payments most people could afford this. i have bought different things i have seen on tv, by a 1-800#, they take your credit card information and apply so much money a month till its paid in full. which is the only way i could afford this product. maybe you could sell more to the public if you could see to do this..

  2. Actually if you go to the sensepil website they now offer a payment plan. You pay $200 upfront and then it is a certain amount per month after that.

  3. I was asked to come on to the Doctor’s tv show last year to try the Silk’n and get one for free. I could not go, because I was pregnant. So… Me and my 2 sister in laws decided to each buy one, off the main Silk’n website, during the Valentine day sale. It was $499.00 but it came with 4 light cartridges. If you can’t afford the full price, then you can make monthly payments of $100 til it’s paid off. Some may find it a problem that you have to keep replacing the light cartridge, which is about $50. With one cartridge I was able to do both my legs (ankle to upper thighs), arms (wrists to elbows), whole face (I have peach fuzz) and both arm pits. I think it more than pays for itself after just one treatment. I had 90% less hair after just one treatment. But, it’s different for everyone. You must stick to the treatment schedule and do at least 7 treatment to get the full benefits. Trust me, it is the same exact results as in the professional places. My 2 sister in laws have been going for over a year and I got the same result as they did with the Silk’s. This was truly the best investment I have ever made.

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